We retain past notices for public review, to retain a memory of our park activities.
Fourth Annual Night of Dread Parade
Saturday October 25, 2003 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. David Anderson and Clay and Paper Theatre will be doing it again, along with all those many people who come out to make masks and costumes prior to the day, or who just show up for their stilts or their outfits on the day of the parade. The day is as usual - after 3 p.m., get your costume, put it on, eat free food, practice your walk, admire the other strange characters, get in the line-up, hit the streets at 6. The parade route is the same as last year - up Gladstone, along Bloor to Grace, down Grace to College, along College to Dovercourt, up Dovercourt to Dewson, along Dewson to Havelock, up Havelock to the park. And then the next part of the fun starts. The parade will go through the park mocking their fears, then to the fire circle and down into the valley to honour the ancestors, then back up to the oven to dance with death and eat the roast pig and the park bread (and the sweet bread of the dead). The music will be by the Escola de Samba, by Samba Elegua, and the Jeremiahs. A wonderful, huge, amazing time for all - everyone is welcome to participate in this community parade. And if you want to have even more fun, come by the park on Saturday or Sunday afternoons the weekends preceding. You can help make costumes and help be an organizer. If you have a talent for making yourself useful you could be a parade marshall on the day of the parade. David says they need about 20 such calm, level-headed people to organize everyone else on the day of the parade - are you one of those people? They'd love to see you and let your talents shine. To find out more, call 416/ 537-9105 or visit their web site www.clayandpapertheatre.org.
Parade and follow-up festivities: SATURDAY OCTOBER 25, leaving the park at 6 P.M. SHARP from the basketball court, returning to the park after and celebrating until 9 PM.
Every Saturday and Sunday, 1 - 4 p.m. at the field house. there will be a work bee at the field house, to make this year's new masks and costumes for the Night of Dread Parade. If you want to try your hand at paper mache and clay molding, the Clay and Paper people will show you how it's done. You can be a part of the friendly hubbub that bubbles over at the field house all fall, until the day when the big parade is finally here. A wonderful way to meet talented people from all over the neighbourhood.