City Budget Overview
On this page:
The City's Budget (2003)
In this section:
(Read the source document)
(Read the source document)
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Revenues ($6.4B)
(Read the source document)
Deficit and Debt
The City is facing a $340M deficit next year, and its debt is rising...
(Read the source document)
The Parks and Recreation Department Budget (2003)
In this section:
Operating Budget
The Parks and Rec Operating Budget, with program highlights...
(Read the source document)PARKS & RECREATION
Budget: $219.746 M Gross, $150.403 M Net. [2002 Budget -$214.709 M Gross, $145.549 M Net]
- ($2.259 M)-Base Budget expenditure adjustments to reflect actual expenditures:
- ($1.079 M)-Reduction of materials and supplies,equipment and contracted services
- ($1.180 M)-Reduction of 17 permanent staff positions and re-allocation of work
- $0.901 M -New/Enhanced Services:
- $0.094 M i 2003 and $0.168 M ongoing -Support for the Harmonize Ravine By-Law
- $0.200 M one-time funding i 2003 and $0.025 M ongoing -Remediation of Playground Structures with CCA treated wood
- $0.184 M -Increased ravine,stream & waterfront remediation
- $0.130 M -Expanded Goose control program one-time funding
- $0.015 M -Four additional Children 's Gardens
- $0.045 M -Eight pilot programs in pre-teen recreation
- $0.025 M -Seven new programs in prenatal and teen parent & baby recreation
- $0.183 M -Twenty new children 's before and after school recreation programs.
- ($1.716 M Net)-Additional revenue for 2003 from increased fees:
- ($0.177 M)-Fitness Class Fees
- ($0.690 M)-Golf Fees
- ($0.099 M)-IceRates
- ($0.700 M)-Ferry Rates
- ($0.050 M)-Adult Program Fees
- ($0.443 M)-Reduction of Drop-In Programs staffing ratio levels with no reduction in hours
- ($0.200 M)-Relocation of Sunday programs from Toronto District School Board to City and other facilities -
- $1.600 M -Additional funding for operating costs to keep 47 Toronto District School Board pools open for Parks aquatic programming until the end of 2003
- $1.300 M -Additional funds to meet increased charges for the exclusive use of Toronto District School Board facilities for ongoing programming
- ($0.600 M)-Decreased contribution to reserve for vehicle replacement
- ($0.168 M)-Savings on fleet maintenance through the use of outside services
Capital Budget
The Parks and Rec Capital Budget, with notes...
(Read the source document)PARKS & RECREATION
Gross Budget: $72.211 M gross, $13.277 M Previously Approved Projects, and $58.934 M, New Projects: [2002 Budget - $65.340 M)]
- $4.3 M for Land Acquisitions in various locations.
- $5.8 M & a future commitment of $4.0 M for St. Jamestown Recreation Centre construction
- $2.3 M for Community Centre State-of-Good-Repair projects and small projects at various locations, including:
- Islington Senior Centre
- Glen Long Community Centre
- Thistletown Community Centre
- Wallace Emerson Community Centre
- $3.4 M for rehabilitation of pools including:
- Smyth Pool
- Richmond Gardens Outdoor Pool
- Etobicoke Olympium Pool
- $2.2 M for the development and improvements of 12 outdoor recreation centres including:
- North District Sports Fields Upgrades
- Bond Park Irrigation
- Millwood Park Ballfield
- Weston Lions Parks Skateboard Park
- Silverhill Park Ballfield
- Dieppe Park New Fence & Building
- $6.9 M for the development of 14 park projects including:
Harbourfront Park
- Fort York Archaeological Landscape
- Walter Saunders Park
- West Deane Park
- St. Lawrence Park
- Woodbine Park NE corner
- Kenworthy Park
- $3.2 M for major maintenance and Facility Component projects for including:
- Agincourt Community Recreation Centre - new arena boards
- Civic Garden Centre - roof
- M.V. William Inglis ferry boat - retrofit engines
- Etobicoke Olympium Pool
- North Toronto Memorial Arena
- $1.5 M for George Bell Arena - mechanical & interior renovations
- $2.3 M for Mid-Scarborough Arena - refrigeration renovations
- $0.350 M for Eglinton Flats Tennis Courts reconstruction
- $0.150 M for Millwood Park - new parking lot
- $0.5 M for Arenas Roofing Program
- $0.350 M for Kay Gardiner Beltline Park Trail
- $0.850 M gross and $0.600 M net for Erosion, Health and Safety, Asset Preservation
- $0.250 M gross and $0.600 M net for Ravine Forest Management
- $1 M gross and $0.750 M net for Tree Advocate Program
- $0.5 M for Playground Rehabilitation to CSA guidelines
- $0.420 M gross & $0 M net for Franklin the Turtle Storybook Garden
- $0.700 M for Allan Gardens Conservatory & Park
To read and do more...
- For general information on the city's budget process, check out the City's Budget page.
- For details, check out the backgrounders on the City's website.
- To get involved in the budget consultation process, go to the City's Budget page and fill in the 2004 Budget Community Workbook.