See also: Letter to CAO
CELOS requests proceedings to investigate a human rights complaint incident
A letter to the City of Toronto Parks and Recreation Department:
Feb.10. 2005
Ms. Brenda Librecz
Acting General Manager
Toronto Parks and Recreation
Dear Ms. Librecz:
A legal committee has been struck by the friends of Dufferin Grove to look into the recent incident involving a complaint by a woman claiming that her right to breastfeed was infringed.
In order to pursue our research into this situation, we need a copy of the City of Toronto's Policy on Human Rights and Harassment as well as any other relevant policies and materials the City has relied on in its response to this complaint. We have tried unsuccessfully to find this material on the City's website. In particular, we would like a copy of the City's protocol for investigating, fact-finding, adjudicating and communicating its decisions in response to complaints alleging breaches of people's human rights.
Our preliminary reading of the Ontario Human Rights Code and research into decisions relating to a woman's right to breastfeed suggest that City protocol and policies may be seriously out of sync with the Ontario Human Rights Code and human rights jurisprudence. Upon receipt of the City's policies and protocols we will research this matter further, following which we look forward to meeting with you to discuss our findings.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Yours truly,
Belinda Cole
Centre for Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)
cc. Councillor Adam Giambrone
Note, March 15, 2005: As of this date, we have not received a response to this letter.