friends of dufferin grove park
City Consultant Fees

City secrets: Parks and Rec Consultants Fees

posted November 18, 2004

The city government gives funds to service groups, to carry out projects for youth, new immigrants, seniors, food banks, and so on. Each group that gets funded is on a public list, by name, amount of their grant, and what it's used for. That's public information. We think there ought to be similar list of consultants who get contracts from the city. But there isn't, and when we asked for that information we were told it's not public. So we had to go to the city's freedom of information office, and wait almost three months. What we got was very incomplete, but we put that together with two other lists and now it IS public information, as it should be.

We've requested more details, but here's what we've found out up to now:

Question: How much does Toronto Parks and Recreation spend on consultants? What does that money buy?

Answers we got through Freedom of Information:

Access Request #04-1580 (Request submitted June 18 2004, incomplete answer came Sept.13; request for balance of information submitted Nov.16 Access Request #04-2948):

NAK Design Group: $22,518.71 for the provision of architectural consulting services for waterplay amenities at Ashbridge's Bay Park and John Innes Park. 3/21/01

Totten Sims Hubicki Associates: $18,231 to provide professional services for the consulting services for the refrigeration plant and rink replacement at Giovanni Caboto Artificial Ice Rink. 4/23/01 Note: the rebuilt rink has serious design problems

WGA Wong Gregersen Architects Inc.: $392,448.54 for the consulting services for preparation of state of good repair audits for recreational and cultural facilities. 7/26/01 Note: this project was recently followed by another state of good repair consulting contract for $803,000

MacClennan Jaunkains Miller: $641,599.16 for provision of architectural consulting services for the design and construction of the St.Jamestown Community Centre. 2/4/02

Taylor Olsen Worland Architects: $55,140.21 for the provision of services to undertake a Feasibility Study for the Wabash Community Centre. 3/17/03

Claire Tucker-Reid and Associates: $34,762.50 to provide advisory services to the Commissioner and Acting General Manager in relation to the organizational review of the Parks and Recreation Division. 2/18/04 Note: Ms.Tucker Reid, then 51 years old, had retired as Parks and Recreation general manager 7 weeks before this contract began.

Access Request #04-1318 (Request submitted May 20 2004; response came Sept.7)

2002/ 2003/ 2004 Environics Polls: $8,988/ $16,157/ $17,976. telephoned 450 randomly picked people at home two evenings in April and asked them what they like/don't like about Toronto Parks and Rec

FGH International: $75,023.05. Food Services Report for Parks and Rec food operations, 1999.

Leisure Plan International: $27,783.62. Outdoor Ice Facilities Harmonization Study, 2002

Randolph Group: $60,990. Recreation Program Harmonization Project, 1999.

Monteith Associates: $46,250. Recreation Facilities Provision Study, 2000.

Question: We submitted ten out of the fourteen approved 2004 Parks and Recreation capital projects listed in the 2004 budget and asked:
(a) on each item, what were consultant/design fees?
(b) on each item, what percentage did Policy and Development get for project administration?


Access Request #04-2567 (Request submitted Oct.12 2004, answer came Nov.5; clarifying questions submitted as Access Request #04-2946, Nov.16,2004)

Ivan Forrest Gardens/ Stairs: project budget $100,000. Consultant/design fee: $6,900. Policy and Development administration fee: $10,000. Note: 16.9%

David Crombie Park retaining wall: project budget $100,000. Consultant/design fee: $2,200. Policy and Development administration fee: $10,000

Masaryk Cowan Sky Light, to replace leaky sky light: project budget $100,000. Consultant/design fee: $12,500. Policy and Development administration fee: $10,000. Note: 22.5%

Allan Gardens Conservatory 2004 stage: project budget $630,000 [note only $300,00 was approved in 2004 budget]. Consultant/design fee: $52,800. Policy and Development administration fee: $40,000.

Trinity Square Grass Labyrinth: project budget $200,000. Consultant/design fee: $7,400. Policy and Development administration fee: $5000.

Park Improvements in Ward 29: project budget $200,000. Consultant/design fee: $25,800. Policy and Development administration fee: $25,000.

Park Improvements in Ward 31(including new playground and splash pad): project budget $250,000. Consultant/design fee: $37,500. Policy and Development administration fee: $25,000. Note: 25%

East York Arena Facility upgrades and Heating System: project budget $350,000. Consultant/design fee: $25,000. Policy and Development administration fee: $30,000. Note: 15.5%

Franklin The Turtle storybook playground Phase 4: project budget $300,000. Consultant/design fee: $8,700. Policy and Development administration fee: $15,000.

Kay Gardner Beltline, pathway drainage phase 1: project budget $365,000. Consultant/ design fee: $24,000. Policy and Development Administration fee: $20,000.

Wychwood barns Phase 2: project budget $310,000 [note only $110,000 was approved in 2004 budget]. Consultant/design fee $45,000. Policy and development administration fee: $20,000. Note: 21%