friends of dufferin grove park
City Playgrounds Wiki

Wikipage: CityPlaygrounds.DufferinGrove | Comments? Questions? Want to post on this page?

Section I: City pictures and recommendations | Section II: Community pictures and commentary | Section III: Wiki Help

This is a page from our City Playgrounds Knowledge Base (Wiki). The pictures and recommendations just below (Section I) are from the City (acquired through Access to Information legislation) from 1999. The section below that (Section II) is available for community members to add commentary and pictures to record what has actually happened to these parks. If you want to post comments or pictures you will need to acquire passwords from

For a summary of maintenance plans issued by the City in 1999, see Playground Summaries. For a summary of issues, and a history of the city's management and finances of all this, see City Playgrounds.

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Section I: Dufferin Grove: Pictures, and the City's safety recommendations from 1999

Park name: Dufferin Grove (City Region = South; 1999 Ward = Ward-20; City recommendation document = DUFFERGR.doc )

posted December 6, 2004

picture 1

picture 2

picture 3

picture 4

picture 5

picture 6

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picture 10

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Section II: Community Commentary

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Dufferin Grove Park playground lost its slide, its jiggly bridge, and its fireman's pole.

For 15 years, we had a jiggly bridge, no problems

This slide replaced a better one that was damaged during construction. There were problems with it -- the platform was too easy to fall off. We asked for platform modifications but the City just removed the slide.

Section III: Wiki Help

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