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This website was developed in 2001 thanks to a grant from the Toronto Parks and Trees Foundation.

Notice: This web site is an information post and a forum for the community that uses the park, and to some degree for the surrounding neighbourhood. The editor of the web site reserves the right to post parts or all of any letters sent to the web site. If you do not want your letter posted, please let us know when you e-mail us, and we won't post it.


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Department Site Map


Edible Weeds

Creeping Charlie


broad-leaved plantain (this link also includes info about dandelion, purslane, lamb's quarters, and nettles)

False Solomon's seal


black medic: Like other members of the legume family, black medic has a symbiotic relationship with Rhizobium bacteria that form nodules on the roots and fix atmospheric nitrogen. Some of this nitrogen is utilized by the growing plant but some can also be used by other plants growing nearby.

Creeping Bellflower


1405 Chinese Herbal

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