The Second Annual Cooking Fire Theatre Festival runs from June 22-26
Please note:
~ Friday, June 24 @ 5:30 PM there will be a special musical performance by Cuban salsa band Poquito Grande.
~ Sunday, June 26 @ 2:30 PM there will be a matinee performance of The Taming of the Shrew by A Company of Fools.
5:30 PM: Dinner
We will begin serving food from our wood-fired ovens at 5:30pm during the week of the festival. Menu to be announced.
6:30 PM: Program One
6:30 ~ Number Eleven Theatre (Toronto) ~ "The Stolen Child"

Created and performed by Number Eleven in collaboration with 15 children from Toronto's West End. This site-specific premiere is based on the recurring mythological theme of child abduction by fairies.
Find out more about Number 11 Theatre at

7:00 ~ Stranger Theatre (Toronto) ~ "The World Turned Upside Down"
In 1649, the revolutionary English Diggers took over common land held by wealthy landowners in order to build cottages and plant gardens for the community. Using their original songs and manifestos, this entertaining premiere by Stranger Theatre will tell the tale of their heroic rise and eventual downfall.
Find out more about Stranger Theatre at

7:30 ~ A Company of Fools (Ottawa) ~ "Shakespeare's Interactive Circus"
Rap, improvisation, fine physical acting and other theatre traditions blend together for an exhilarating, irreverent romp through a number of Shakespeare's plays. Company of Fools recreate the atmosphere of the Globe Theatre and interact with the audience in a high-energy, fast-paced performance that has delighted audiences across Canada for over 10 years.
Find out more about Company of Fools at
8:00 PM: Break
Time to enjoy delicious, affordable, organic desserts from our wood fired bake ovens
8:30 PM: Program Two

8:30 ~ Le Petit Théâtre de l'Absolu (Montreal) ~ "Birds of the Coming Storm"
Drawing inspiration from the Chicago Haymarket Riot of 1886, the members of Le Petit Théâtre de l'Absolu will sketch out tragic histories of rebellion against the status quo.From intimate toy theatre to outdoor spectacle, they rely on the old techniques of puppetry to engage with the contemporary moment, to lambaste the powerful, and to remember the forgotten.

9:00 ~ red red rose (Toronto) ~ "Joan"
Joan is an eclectic and curious retelling of the story of Joan of Arc, using puppets, song and "a hell of a lot of gusto" (eye weekly). While the audience will witness high drama, wild creatures and a burning at the stake, Joan is essentially about storytelling: the relationship between the story and the teller, and the impact stories have on our lives.
Find out more about red red rose at
This festival has been generously funded by: