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Volunteers Needed
for the 2nd Annual Cooking Fire Theatre Festival
A festival of outdoor performances produced by The Cooking Fire Committee, a group of local artists with longstanding ties to Dufferin Grove Park, who invite theatre companies from across the country to perform innovative pieces for children and adults
June 22-June 26
Dufferin Grove Park, 875 Dufferin Street S of Bloor Across from the Dufferin Mall
how (you can help)
we need volunteers before and during the festival to:
Distribute posters and flyers
Run the information table
Act as Ushers
Help with the food
Assist with theatre tech during the festival
To volunteer or for more information
email sheryl.simpson@utoronto.ca
or call (416) 576-9751
House an Actor
The Cooking Fire Theatre Festival is currently looking for neighbours of the park with a spare couch or bedroom who would be willing to put up an out-of-town actor for the week of the Festival (June 21-26)
Please call 416-576-9751
or e-mail strangertheatre@gmail.com