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This website was developed in 2001 thanks to a grant from the Toronto Parks and Trees Foundation.
Notice: This web site is an information post and a forum for the community that uses the park, and to some degree for the surrounding neighbourhood. The editor of the web site reserves the right to post parts or all of any letters sent to the web site. If you do not want your letter posted, please let us know when you e-mail us, and we won't post it.
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posted June 10, 2005
At the playground I heard last night that an item done by City TV at 6 p.m. said that the City (i.e. Parks and Recreation) has fought what is going on at our park all the way. I didn't see the newscast, but if that's what was said, it was in error. The good things that happen at the park could not be so without continuous cooperation between the parks and rec staff and the neighbourhood busybodies who set up what happens there. Although it's true that Parks and Rec upper management have often dug in their heels, and continue to do that, manager James Dann and supervisors Tino DeCastro and Brian Green have made things work a huge number of times, as have many other front-line staff.
Loose talk on TV! Better to turn off the set and just enjoy the park and talk face to face.