Category: Biotoilet
Problems 2006 Bio-Toilet Project Winter Protection :
Description: Dialog about storage and cover of biotoilet project for winter 2006-2007
Opened: October 2, 2006
Closed: November 29, 2006
Problems 2006 Building Composting Toilet At Playground :
Description: Dialog with city staff reqarding requirements for the building of the Biotoilet structure.
Opened: June 30, 2006
Closed: Sept 17, 2006
Problems 2006 Composting Toilet Permission At Playground :
Description: Request from Georgie Donais to Parks, Forestry and Recreation Technical Services Manager Bob Crump, to instal a regular (flush) toilet, followed by proposal for composting toilet
Opened: April 25, 2005
Closed: July 1, 2006
Problems 2006 More Composting Toilet Permission At Playground :
Description: Dialog, coordination with City staff about details regarding biotoilet project.
Opened: July 2, 2006
Closed: March 30 2007
Problems 2007 Bio-toilet Project Completion :
Description: The Bio-Toilet project gets hung up on technical and liability issues
Opened: September 13, 2006
Closed: April 12 2007