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posted September 09, 2007

We've Moved!!

CELOS now has its own website at


posted June 1, 2004

The Centre for Local Research into Public Space

This is our research arm. (Centre for Local research into Public Space, pronounced "cee-loss.") We picked that acronym because we wanted it to sound like CIDOC, the "research by people" institute of our friend, historian and philosopher Ivan Illich, which existed in Mexico in the 1960's and 70's.

Started in 1999, CELOS put out two publications: the Cooking with Fire in Public Space and a 2002 park budget booklet. It also curated an international food cart picture display and was involved in the original version of the current park web site. Then it went dormant for a year. In 2003 it revived. A small group of legal and public policy researchers began to:

1. Study legislation that affects public space
2. Monitor what's happening to the parks department

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