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Posted November 12, 2004

November 5, 2004: Stolen Car Temporarily Adds New Entrance to Park

Driver crashes into park fence

(Thanks to Andrew Munger for the pictures.)

This stolen Mercedes took a wrong turn in front of the High School shortly after lunch on Friday November 5. It knocked out three lengths of park fencing, which have been barriered with danger tape since then. There's no money to fix the fence, so the city will just remove the damaged fence and there will be another entrance to the park. [ed: but see the next item; it was fixed after all]

(These photos by Wallie Seto: Roped off, then fixed.)

posted January 18, 2005

Update: December 2004

They changed their minds, and the fence is fixed, as you can see from Wallie's updated pictures. No new entrance after all.

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