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posted August 12, 2005 from the August Newsletter


If you ever wonder why the rink house washrooms are often messy and not so nice to be in, here’s the reason – there’s no caretaker to clean them. In fact, there’s no provision for cleaning the rink house at all. During summer, the wading pool staff are supposed to fit it in, and because of all the things going on at the park, it’s often a real strain for them to find the time.

Toronto Parks and Recreation has good caretakers on staff, but our park is not eligible for any caretaker hours because the rink house was originally meant to be only a change house for skaters, i.e. not very busy. This is one of the problems we’d like the general manager, Brenda Librecz, to consider when we meet with her: when new things happen in a park, how can staffing arrangements be adapted? In our case, the washrooms are used by thousands of people year-round. On paper, though, we remain simply a rink house, not on the list for caretaker cleaning.

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