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Request to Tino from Jutta March 23

This group is Mayan (Spanish) -- they don't notify us in advance, so we can't get them to apply for a permit in time. They need a staff person to supervise the fire and let them into the rink house kitchen. This is the fourth year they've done this. Here's the text of their poster: March 25 2006 in Toronto - Dufferin Grove Park 11.30 a.m at 1.30 p.m. EIGHT THOUSAND SACRED DRUMS FOR THE HEALING OF THE MOTHER EARTH AND ENSURE LIFE AND PEACE

Response from Tino March 23, 2006

if they wish to use the Park informally, they should be able to. Similar to all other groups that are using parks informally. There should really be no cost for this, unless they require something that is not already in the Park. If they wish to use the fire pit, then they should pay for the staff person, at 12.33 an hour that is very inexpensive. Cost Recovery.

Response from Jutta March 24, 2006

These folks are asking people to come to their event, but they have no money for staff or insurance or any other cost levied by the City for events permits. They are aboriginal people who want to hold a ceremony.

comment from Director Don Boyle, March 30, 2006

Please ensure all city policies are adhered for events within your region... permit administration, appropriate payments, deposits, insurance, ECT..... The auditor General is currently investigating a number of incidents surrounding these policies and staff have been disciplined and in two circumstance terminated over not following policy. I want to ensure we are able to continue to support neighborhood events as that is a cornerstone of our service, however, given the current climate please be sure to follow policy. Should you or the groups within your Region have suggestions/ideas on how we can improve permitting for neighborhood events I suggest you prepare a report for Council's consideration so that we may revise policy officially.

call from City Councillor's assistant, May 11, 2006

The councillor's assistant called to say that he and the City councillor spoke today with the City's auditor general. The auditor general told them that he is not at this time conducting any investigation of Parks and Recreation, in relation to improper issuing of permits.

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