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Norway Constitution Day
Request date: April 10, 2006

Special Event Application Submitted - Below is Fee Waiver Letter

Dear Tino,

Mayssan and I met with Arne Nes today, to discuss plans for the Norwegian Constitution day parade and picnic for May 13. Arne asked me to request a fee waiver on their behalf, which I am glad to do.

This group wants to celebrate Norway's biggest civic holiday by having a picnic and a short parade with a brass band, some speeches and some games for kids. It is an open event with anyone welcome to watch and learn. Arne lives a block from the park. He and his family will be opening their house for the Norwegians to change into their traditional costumes, and as a staging area for the picnic. He is dragging their BBQ and their waffle iron over to the park, he and his friends will be moving heavy picnic tables and benches near the outdoor kitchen, and clearing everything up later.

By sharing their biggest holiday celebration, Arne and his friends are giving a gift to the park and to the neighborhood as well as to the Norwegians who attend this event. I'm hoping your colleagues will agree with friends of Dufferin Grove Park that charging them an additional fee for hosting this event does not make sense.

Instead, I think the City should contribute some staffing to the event to make sure it works out well for everyone. I would recommend that one staff person be on site during the whole time, to answer queries and make the park amenities available to all (Norwegian and non-) who come to the park to participate.

Response date: May 08, 2006 (from event organizer)

Today the forcast is perfect!

I just got a voicemail from a Pamela in City of Toronto. She says everything is OK with permit if we pay $53.50. Did you send something to the city regarding a waiver. Thanks

Response date: May 09, 2006 (from park staff)

Tino, would you like me to send this to Pamela and Jamie or would you like to? Arne received confirmation today from Pamela that his special event permit for Norwegian Constitution Day Parade and Picnic (May 13) was approved pending payment of $53.50. The fee waiver letter below was submitted April 10th (when the Special Event Permit was submitted).

Awaiting your response,

Response date: May 09, 2006

Tino Decastro wrote: I guess their request for a fee waiver was not approved. I suggest that they pay the fee. Tino DeCastro Supervisor of Community Recreation

Response date: May 09, 2006 (from community organizer)

I think no fee should be paid until there is a direct response. There's no such thing as a "guess." The fee waiver request made sense, and simply not answering is not a proper way to address a problem. Nor is it a good approach to the public. Jutta

Response date: May 09, 2006

Jutta, attached are guidelines for reduction in fees guidelines for reduction in fees, which were not meet by the permit group. As well this fee does not cover the cost of any staff involvement on that day at the Park. Tino

Response date: May 09, 2006

Thank you for sending this document -- it is very helpful. It reveals that the current guidelines are completely off the mark for the kind of park events that we're describing. What is at issue here is neither agencies nor non-profit groups. It is very clear that the drafters of the document did not take any other people into account. This means that the permit guidelines have a very big gap.

Please respond to my e-mail about a meeting with whoever is responsible for community development in your Division. It would be good if representatives of other councillors could be notified of such a meeting -- I gather that many councillors are aware of this problem.

Thanks Jutta

Response date: May 09, 2006

Jutta, I would be happy to go over the permit guidelines with you and anyone else interested.

The only missing piece in the documentation I sent you ,is when groups are not large enough for a special event permit , they may still require a picnic permit. Which may be the case for most of the permits at Dufferin. The concerns that may have implications is when these groups, sell or prepare food, ask for donations or charge for goods. These groups then need to cleared by Public health and may require some insurance. I will get you this information.

Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation , already sponsor many events in the Park, such as Pizza Days, Farmers Markets, small theater productions and fire permits. Along with adding recreation staff support to most special events at no cost.

Please let me know when you would like to meet, I will ensure that all information regarding permits as passed by city council is available.

Tino DeCastro

Direction for staff May 18, 2006

Please ensure that groups wanting to have fees waived must address their letter to Brenda Librecz, the general manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation. They need to state that they are a non for profit group and provide financial statement.

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