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From: Michael Schreiner

Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Projects:

"On March 8 2007 City Council approved the Parks Forestry and Recreation Capital budget for 2008 and approved the Plan for 2009 to 2011 in principal.

In the approved Capital Budget an item for state of good repair was identified "Play sub-project #235" in the amount of $565,000 for the repair work identified for 4 waterplay locations. As well Council also approved a "plan" for the next four years in the amount of $500,000 annually to address our next 19 top priorities. In 2006 audits of all 136 water plays were conducted as a means to determine the required and repair and priority of the Divisions waterplay assets. Dufferin Grove was identified to be one of the worst and in term of condition and was given a top priority among the 136 locations.

I was agreed by Financial Services many years ago that all the "sub sub-projects" would not be listed as it would create far to many lines in the budget. The information is shared with the local Councillor who's ward the project resides in on an annual basis.

I have attached the plan I created for my reference, which reflects the priority for our State of Good repair waterplay program City Wide. I must be noted that these lists can change year to year depending on circumstances. The plan far outweighs the immediate need for funding, but we the best with what we are given."

Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget 2007-BEYOND (including Pre-Approved Projects)

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