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Website => Author Tools

posted November 30, 2005

Author Tools

There are two tools required for being a dufferin park wiki author:

  1. A browser (we recommend Firefox)
  2. A simple picture processor, to modify pictures before uploading (we recommend IrfanView)

Picture settings in Irfanview

When using IrfanView to modify jpeg photgraphs, use the settings seen in the screen image to the right. Photographs should be as small as possible for the circumstances, and setting the quality to 70% should result in an image size which in most cases is under 20kb.

If You're Using Firefox

If you're using Firefox, you'll need to download an extension to be able to search for words in the text boxes used to edit page content.

1. Download Firefox 1.5 if you haven't already (

2. Download: oldfindtexarea.xpi

3. File/Open the file from #2 from Firefox.

This causes the downloaded file to be installed as an "extension" in Firefox.

Now, when you place the cursor in an edit text box, and hit Ctrl-F, you get an old-style search box which searches the text in the text box.

When the cursor is outside the text box and you hit Ctrl-F, you get the standard search bar at the bottom of the browser.


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