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posted April 20, 2004


We have made a conscious decision to take a relatively low-tech approach in implementing this site. This is not to say that it is primitive or that it uses out-dated technology. On the contrary, it uses a table-less "CSS Positioning" design, with a sharp separation of stylistic elements into a centralized "cascading style sheet" that applies stylistic elements uniformly throughout the site. The code on each page is (as much as possible) limited to the logical representation of the layout elements that are represented. As such the site is technically well positioned to be upgraded to evolving standards, notably XML, including XHTML and XSLT (see Some definitions).

What we mean by "low-tech", is first: by removing the detailed stylistic specifications from the day to day chores of web page creation, we have simplified the task; and second, we have designed the site so that it can be maintained with free or very inexpensive software. These two in combination should make maintenance of the site accessible to a greater number in the community, and therefore should make the task of keeping content on the site current, much more realistic. Or so goes the theory. We'll see.

Having said that, it is still a technical, relatively complex chore to maintain a website. We hope that these pages will make the task a little easier.

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