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Playground parents' Friday Aug 26 2011 "sleep-in" at Dufferin Grove Park.

From the organizers: The City thinks Duff Grove should work like other parks. We think all parks should get to work like Duff Grove!


PWYC Friday-Night Dinner 6PM

Tent Set-Up 7:30PM

Outdoor Kid-Friendly Movie

Campfire Sing-A-Long

Arts & Crafts table

facebooK: “a sleep-in at dufferin grove”

for info:

View the poster.

An article from The Grid

An open letter from Janie Romoff, Director Community Recreation Parks, Forestry and Recreation, August 26, 2011

To All Dufferin Grove Parks Users:

Recently, there has been some discussion about the City's commitment and investments in Dufferin Grove Park, and there is some confusion about how the City supports activities in the park.....There are a number of areas we are working on to ensure that Dufferin Grove operations meet the City's standards of accountability, human resource protocols and contractual labour obligations. Read more >>

From Jutta Mason To Janie Romoff

August 29, 2011

Dear Ms.Romoff,

Your open letter of August 26 2011 was posted both on the website and throughout the park. Despite this, the “sleep-in” organized by playground users went ahead, with many tents. The event was peaceful and well-organized and there was no associated maintenance expense for PFR staff. But I’m told there were a lot of interesting conversations.

I would like to respond briefly to the main point in your open letter, reiterated over and over by PFR management: that the activities which make Dufferin Grove Park work well have not been reduced.

Many would disagree. Just two examples:

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