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Market Finances

posted April 12, 2006

Farmers' market income and expenses, 2005:
Income (vendors' table fees):

January $780
February $825
March (5 Thursdays) $925
April $775
May $955
June (5 Thursdays) $1505
July $1300
August $1335
September (5 Thursdays) $1820
October $1380
November $1170
December (5 Thursdays) $1060

Total table fees: $13,830

Donation from Organic Promotions: $1000

September Tasting Fair ticket revenue: $4417.10

Total income: $19,247.10

Staffing (market manager plus market staff -- set-up, running, clean-up, phone calls, e-mails, average 18.15 hours work per market): $14,170

Supplies, fees, Tasting Fair foods costs:

February 1: Membership of Farmers Market Ontario: $107
May 31: extension cord, tape: $33.54
July 13: cord winders: $30.76
September 29: Tasting Fair posters $57.50
September 30: Tasting Fair cups: $16.50
October 20: folding tables and lights for market: $311.25
October: Tasting Fair foods costs: $2461.29
Total supplies and fees: $3017.94

farmers' market web pages maintenance: $1040
newsletter market publicity: $552

August 11: farmers' market insurance: $475.00 (This was paid by direct additional collection from the vendors, so it's not included in the total of expenses)

Total expenses: $18,779.94 (not counting market insurance)

Balance into 2006: $467.16

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