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Water Play

Wading Pool Dates Summer!

While Dufferin has no swimming pool, we have a number of opportunities for WaterPlay.

The wading pool officially opens around the last few days of June and closes at the end of August.

Water Play

There is no swimming pool at Dufferin Grove park. However we have three kinds of water play available for kids.

  • Wading pool in the south east end of the park open on days hotter than 29 degrees from roughly May until September. Note: this was formerly the case but is not longer true: there is no weather-related flexibility any more.
  • Sprinklers set out on hot days during the Farmer's Market and Pizza days
  • Sandpit Adventure Playground, which has a hose and tap hooked up

At some ages, some children are not aware of the dangers of water, which requires attentive and aware adults. Quickly though most children find water a wonderful play material for floating things, a little splashing, the gentle pleasant feeling of water, currents, rivers, waterfalls and fountains.

If you have questions about our quasi aquatic programming please call 416 392-0913 or email

hosted by | powered by pmwiki-2.2.83. Content last modified on June 26, 2016, at 12:32 AM EST