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This Gardens subsite developed with the kind assistance of the Toronto Parks and Trees Foundation
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- The Role of the Park
posted February 24, 2005
The City of Toronto has 991 allotment garden plots available for rental. The cost is $53.50 per season May 1 - October 15. If you're interested, call the EDCT (the City Economic Development, Culture & Tourism Department) Permit Section at 416-392-8188 (once connected press 8-1). Names can be added to the waitlists starting February 1st (or the 1st business day in February). A new list is started every year. It all depends on who does not reapply that season. Once you have a plot you will receive a renewal form every year in December, followed by a phone call and a reminder letter in February. If you decide not to renew your plot, it then becomes available to the first person on the wait list.
There are no brochures about allotment gardens. There is also no information on the City of Toronto web site, but when you call the number above during business hours, you get a real (friendly) person.