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News 2012

News 2012

From the July 2012 Newsletter:

Dufferin Grove Farmers’ Market: Every Thursday 3 to 7 pm:

Market manager Anne Freeman sends weekly market news to market list subscribers every Wednesday. Some excerpts, from three of the farmers: "Well we got some rain the other day so we have a wonderful load of sweet red raspberries ready for freezing or jam. Peaches are coming in the next two weeks, hope for a sweet, delicious harvest like last year.”....“This week sweet cherries are at their best of the season! A few sour cherries will make their once-a-year appearance too. Berries in abundance: red raspberries, dark almost black saskatoon berries (higher antioxidant value) and wild blueberries”....“Ben's digging New Potatoes first thing Thursday morning fresh for Dufferin! We won't be washing them as their skins are very delicate.... we're cutting Broccoli, bunching Swiss Chard, Beets, and Kale, picking Peas, and bringing fresh dug Garlic too! Next week our bunches of Sweet Onions will begin”

To sign up for this newsletter, visit the market page at

From the June 2012 Newsletter:

Dufferin Grove farmers’ market: every Thursday 3 – 7 PM

Market manager Anne Freeman sends weekly market news to market list subscribers every Wednesday. To sign up, visit the market page at

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