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< January 15-2015 | Notes Library | January 29-2015 >

Weekly Market Notes for January 22, 2015

Hello Market Friends:

At this time of year, farmers are planning what, when and how much to plant in 2015, how many markets they'll attend, how many CSA customers, stores or restaurants they can supply, whether to expand or cut back, and whether their calculations will add up to enough to pay the bills. It's a lot more systematic than looking into a crystal ball, but because changing input costs, customer habits, family needs, and --above all-- weather play their parts in the year, the results are very hard to predict.

This winter, Ben Sosnicki needed more on-farm time with his growing family, Everdale sold out of storage crops earlier than expected, and Shared Harvest (Kevin) has found that demand in their little hometown of Dunnville is on the rise, so our supply of local organic vegetables is running short.

Enter Marvellous Edibles, the certified organic farm of Ayse Akoner and her family up in Gray County. They've got a good quantity of storage crops, including squash, onions and root vegetables, as well as Berkshire pork, baking, and other products made from their harvests, and now that Kevin is taking a break from driving in, they're going to help keep us well-fed. Some of you will know Marvellous Edibles from other markets; please show Ayse a warm Dufferin welcome.

We haven't forgotten Ted Thorpe and Plan B; they'll be collaborating to broaden the selection for you. Ted's helper Ron will be looking after things for the next two Thursdays while Ted is away on a very rare vacation. We'll continue to enjoy Kind Organics greens, and all the good things our other vendors make out of local veggies, too! By the way, stock up on the tasty beet hummus and kale dips on Earth & City's table for easy, healthy snacking.

Visitors to our house are puzzled by the boulder and hammer in the kitchen until we explain how Seth from Forbes Wild Foods taught us to crack the buttery-on-the-inside, rock-hard-on-the-outside heartnuts he's bringing to market. We just have to figure out a craft project for all the beautiful nutshells.

Natasha Akiwenzie was happy to put the smoker on this week in preparation for Andrew's trip down with both smoked and frozen fish for Dufferin.

See you at the market!

Anne Freeman

P.S. If you are interested in learning more about organic food production and related issued, as an eater or as a grower, have a look at these upcoming conferences:

The 34th Annual Guelph Organic Conference, January 29-February 1, U of Guelph, (lots of workshops and speakers and a large organic expo.):

Organic by Choice, the Canadian Organic Growers Toronto Conference, February 21, U of T Conference Centre:

Vendors this week, and where to find them:

(Rinkhouse entrance is at the north end of the building, Garage at the south.)

  • Akiwenzies Fish (Georgian Bay fish, smoked, frozen and/or fresh), Outside
  • Ali Harris (fish sandwiches, fritters, hemp pesto, beverages), Rinkhouse
  • Bees Universe (honey and bee products), Rinkhouse
  • Beretta Farms (organic and naturally raised meats), Garage
  • Best Baa (sheep's milk cheeses, yogurt), Rinkhouse
  • ChocoSol (coffee and chocolate), Garage
  • Country Meadows (olives, oil, eggs, cheese), Rinkhouse
  • DeFloured (gluten-free baking), Outside
  • Dufferin Park Bakers (wood-fired oven breads, soups,and snacks), Rinkhouse
  • Earth and City (raw foods and smoothies), Garage
  • Forbes Wild Foods (dried mushrooms, nuts, syrup, preserves), Rinkhouse
  • Kind Organics (sprouts, salad mixes, teas, chocolate), Rinkhouse
  • Marvellous Edibles (organic vegetables, Berkshire pork, baking), Rinkhouse
  • Spade & Spoon (jams, pickles, soups), Rinkhouse
  • Ted Thorpe & Plan B (organic fruits and veggies), Garage
  • Ying Ying Soy (tofus and miso), Rinkhouse

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