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< March 5-2009 | Notes Library | March 19-2009 >

Weekly Market Notes for March 12, 2009

Hello Market Friends:

Toronto has launched its 175th birthday celebrations, and along with the official announcements, there are some fun ones, like this list of 175 reasons--in no particular order--to love Toronto:

Our year-round market, weighing in at almost 61/2 years of age, is number 117. Hope the market makes it onto your personal favourites list, too!

Here's the news from the vendors:

From Greenfields:
Don't forget that March is Celeriac Month. Make sure to come early to get your hands on those tasty Greenfields grown Celeriac. The excitement of a new season is upon us as we will be starting in the greenhouse this Friday! Lots of great local products available at our table this week: Red & Golden Beets, Orange, Purple and Rainbow Carrots, Yellow Onions, Potatoes, Green Cabbage, Rutabaga and Greenfields grown Sunchokes. An excellent selection of greens, including Rainbow & Red Chard, Collards, Black & Green Kale, Parsley, Cilantro, Romaine and Spring Mix. Globe Artichokes, Broccoli, Cauliflower and a whole lot more to be enjoyed this week.
See ya there, Mark

From Sosnickis:
Hi all! Ben and I have been very busy so far delivering cabbage and working in the greenhouses. Total labour of love out there with the seeds! Please check in with us by logging onto our blog at for a few pics from Wednesday and last Friday regarding plant progress. Remember all those big, beautiful sweet white onion bunches from last year? Well they are all seeded and have sprouted! Spring is around the corner...go jump in a puddle to celebrate! Jess

Note that although Ben won't be at the market, Sosnickis' perogies are still available at the snack bar.

From Lindsey at Beretta Farms: "I'm going to bring nitrate-free spicy beef sausage on special for $7 per package (4 sausages per package). They're REALLY tasty.

From Meaghan and Russell of Forbes Wild Foods: "We’ll be bringing our usual tasty things – we’ve got Maple Syrup, dried wild mushrooms, wild rice, and on special this week, Balsam Jelly –2 x 250mL jars for $12. The Balsam Jelly pairs beautifully with a soft goat or sheep cheese, or with smoked fish."

Another note: Hang on everybody, we're rounding the corner and it won't be very long 'til wild leeks and fiddleheads return!

Late-breaking news: Colette Murphy (Urban Harvest) will be absent this time and next. You can catch up with her at Canada Blooms next week.

And some news from Jutta Mason about park happenings:

SPEAKERS’ SERIES RESUMES AT FRIDAY NIGHT SUPPER March is the “brown month” in the park, also the mud month. But the rink clubhouse is dry and warm. The park cooks normally suspend the Friday Night Supper program in March and April, but this year they’re having too good of a time trying out new recipes. And there are important things to talk about! Also, the economic slide is making cheap meals with neighbours at the park even more attractive than before. So the cooks are continuing with Friday night suppers.

Supper is on from 6 to 7.30, in the rink house. There is always soup, a vegetarian entrée, a meat entrée, a side dish, a salad, and dessert. Most of the groceries are bought at the farmers’ market, and most of the cooking is done in the outdoor wood-fired bake-ovens. It’s very delicious food, and conforms largely to the 100-mile “locavore” boundary. There’s a suggested donation, all of which goes back into the park, and to pay for the groceries. But if you can’t spare the cash, donate some other time – nobody goes away hungry! (Of course, if you feel like donating more than the suggested amount, that’s fine, too.)

March 13: Cob, Chickens & Community Georgie Donais brings her pictures and stories of Portland, Oregon’s annual gathering, the Village Building Convergence, showing how the city nurtures community innovation and connection between citizens. And backyard chickens. From Portland, Oregon's City Code & Charter: "A person keeping a total of three or fewer chickens, ducks, doves, pigeons, pygmy goats or rabbits shall not be required to obtain a specified animal facility permit."

Commonplace in the Toronto of 175 years ago....Maybe in our future, too?

See you at the market!

Anne Freeman

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