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< February 27-2014 | Notes Library | March 13-2014 >

Weekly Market Notes for March 06, 2014

Hello Market Friends:

The melange of items in this week's news tells a story of the many connections that happen through a community-based market, and the interesting people who are part of it. Lots of links here, in both the traditional and internet senses of that word!

During the market this week, Natasha Akiwenzie will be trying out some First Nations recipes at the campfire beside the rink, with park friend Mary Jane Young. They'll be using some old Northern recipe books, making bannock and scones and Indian pudding, maybe some wild rice too -- come by and sample. This is the first of a three-day project to test out traditional campfire recipes for the summer.

Natasha will be staying in town to take part in the CSA Fair at the Brickworks from 11-3pm on Sunday, held in conjunction with Seedy Saturday and Sunday: Natasha and Andrew will be offering information about their CSF (Community Supported Fisheries). Information about that is also available on the Akiwenzies' blog: Natasha says, "Let people know we are returning as soon as the ice melts off the bay. We are chomping on the bit and as soon as the opportunity arises, we will be all over it."

Also on at the park this week will be one of the last Friday Night Suppers of the season. Leslie Lindsay writes, "We'll be cooking BBQ tofu, coleslaw, potato salad, blackeyed peas, roasted veggies on skewers, cornbread, and serving lemon cake with whipped cream and elderberry sauce for dessert. The idea is to evoke summer through tastes even if the temperature doesn't co-operate We'll source as many veg as possible through the market."

You may know Nick Sgouros, our friendly, mustachio-ed representative for Beretta Farms, but did you know that he's a playwright? His play "Be Careful, There's a Baby in the House" will be featured in the New Ideas Festival 2014 which begins March 12 at the Alumnae Theatre Company, and tickets are on sale now: Congratulations Nick!

In other 'culture and agriculture' news, plans are in the works for an incredible sounding event at Shared Harvest Community Farm, where market vendors Kevin and Sandra manage the farming. There will be a Harmonica Retreat Weekend June 27th-29th down on the farm, with some of the most outstanding players in the world (I kid you not) in attendance!

We're delighted to welcome Colette Murphy of Urban Harvest back to the market this week with lots of seeds, a sure sign that SPRING WILL COME.

I'm not sure if Colette has found all the help she needs yet, but here's another Help Wanted listing, from Jonathan Forbes:

Forbes Wild Foods is in need of one or two market staff for 2 weekend markets and occasional weekday markets starting in April. We are looking for someone reliable, personable, interested in natural foods and with access to a vehicle. One of our regular weekend markets and two of our weekday markets can be staffed and supplied by bicycle and trailer, so that may be of interest to someone with sufficient muscle who is without a vehicle. Training will be provided. This market work can be supplemented with other work in our warehouse when we get busy in April, through to December. If you are aware of someone seeking (initially) part-time employment, please pass on this message. Contacts: 416-927-9106 or

You may meet some visitors from Environmental Defence, who've asked to share information with market-goers on Great Lakes Protection and the Protection of Public Participation Act.

Announcements are all very well, but what's to EAT, you ask? Lots! Looks like the weather will be MUCH more cooperative than last week, so Woolerdale and Bees Universe will not be stuck at home due to storms and traffic pileups. Here's the list of vendors we expect:

  • Ali Harris (rotis and fritters, hemp pesto and seeds),
  • Bees Universe (honey and bee products),
  • Beretta Farms (organic and naturally raised meats),
  • Best Baa (cheeses, yogurt, sheep's milk),
  • Chocosol (coffee and chocolate),
  • Country Meadows (eggs, cheese, olives, oil),
  • DeFloured (gluten-free baking),
  • Dufferin Park Bakers (wood-fired oven breads, soups,and snacks),
  • Field Sparrow (pastured meats),
  • Forbes Wild Foods (dried mushrooms, nuts, syrup, preserves)
  • Kind Organics (sprouts, kombuchas, teas),
  • Plan B Organic Farm (local and imported organic produce),
  • Spade & Spoon (formerly Growing Spaces: jams, pickles, soups),
  • Ted Thorpe (represented by Ron) (potatoes and cabbage)
  • Urban Harvest (seeds, body care, soil amendments),
  • Woolerdale Organic Farm (organic vegetables)
  • Ying Ying Soy (tofus and miso).

See you at the market!

Anne Freeman

P.S. One more thing I love to promote: Repair Cafe, Saturday, March 8, 2014, 10am-2pm Location: Skills for Change, 791 St. Clair Ave. West, 2nd Floor Cost: Free! Do you have a broken appliance, piece of furniture or item of clothing that you’d like to save from the landfill? That’s where the volunteer “fixers” at the Repair Café come in! Help combat waste and built-in obsolescence at this event! For more information about Toronto Repair Café, visit

Send a link to this page to a friend, or better yet, bring one along to the market!

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