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< April 26-2012 | Notes Library | May 10-2012 >
Hello Market Friends:
After many visits to Environment Canada's weather site, I'm still wondering what Thursday afternoon will bring. We've decided to hold the market 'up top' one more time, in case the ground is wet along the summer path, but with a glorious explosion of spring foods about to arrive and new vendors joining us soon, I'm counting on a full summer setup next week or we might all roll down the hill. I can hardly stand the wait! In the meantime, though, we'll have a lovely market alongside the buildings, with the park snacks and bread in the rinkhouse. Here's the news from the vendors, including this great story about tiptoeing around the 'residents' at Country Meadows:
"Well life is wild here at the farm. Better explain that no, Angelos & I are not having wild parties every night, it's Mother Nature at her finest. I want to share this because we are 100% in sync with nature at our place. By offering creatures a safe place to raise their young, they'll reward us 1000 times over by keeping bugs out of our gardens. There's a robin nesting right outside our back door, so we have to detour through the garage so as not to upset her. Her mate hangs out on the kitchen window, keeping an eye on us. There's another pair of robins at our front door, but they seem not to mind us, they are more interested in beating up the cheeky chipmunk that lives under the garage, so he takes refuge in the drainage pipe. The bats are out of hibernation and have returned to our back porch; it's fascinating watching them leave on their nightly hunting foray. A pair of ducks have set up home beside my garden path so that area is now off limits to me and the dog. A mother rabbit has a family in the goat shed so the goats have been evicted for now. The barn swallows are back and are re-claiming their old nests in the barn; they give us an earful whenever we go in. The snakes have emerged from their winter burrow and have taken up residence once again in the greenhouse. I went to pick up the water hose from behind some trays, and instead grabbed a snake. In no uncertain terms it told me to "hiss -off'. Such is life in an organic world.
For market: customers keep requesting, so I'm sending some phenomenal tomato plants, various sizes plus a good selection of herbs and vegetables. Also I've had several e-mails this week for turkey eggs, so there will be some, come early." Linda
Sosnickis' contribution: "Ben will be bringing bins of the Big Pink Ostergruss Radish for fresh raw eating and sautéing too! Bins of Field Spinach (glad to hear everyone is digging the sweet flavour!) and the Cabbages, Sweet Corn & Sauerkraut as the staples it seems :)) In between the rains we are getting a lot of field work done and work continues like mad in the greenhouses! The big Heirloom Tomatoes are rooting down now!" Jess and Ben
Ted Thorpe will have a limited supply of delicious Tsoi Tsim Pao (did I spell that right?) and Mizuna that he has grown in an unheated greenhouse to 'beat the clock', and rhubarb, too.
Good news from Chocosol: it's tortilla time again! Mathieu will be offering fresh and hot ones with tasty fillings starting this week.
We expect some fresh fiddleheads as well as wild leeks at Forbes' table this week.
See you at the market!
Anne Freeman