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< November 21-2013 | Notes Library | December 5-2013 >

Weekly Market Notes for November 28, 2013

Hello Market Friends:

By the end of a demanding season of outdoor markets and the last harvest push, farmers are due for some very well-earned rest, but as I've made my rounds at the market in the last couple of weeks, I've been struck by the excitement that's already in the air about plans looking ahead. I've heard about added greenhouse space that will expand year-round production, wholesale prospects that will make trips to town more efficient, two possible moves to build certified organic farm businesses, and greater capacity to raise poultry, as well as new retail and work spaces and new product plans from city-based vendors. When farmers' markets get steady and strong support, our local organic producers can really grow! I can't think of a tastier way to invest in the future, can you? Here's the vendor news:

We're delighted to report that Andrew Akiwenzie will be coming down with both smoked and frozen Georgian Bay fish.

Welcome back to Blythe, Adam and Sebastian of Growing Spaces. You'll find them in the rinkhouse with a fresh batch of (no sugar added) Apple Butter, and Borscht Soup, as well as their many preserves.

Sosnickis'' contribution: "Fresh, snowy Kale in abundance! We have a lot of Kale plants that we didn't pick just waiting under a blanket of snow to be harvested! So lots of field fresh for Dufferin! Also our prepared foods have begun! All of which will be proudly Certified Organic once again. Coming this time are Vegan Cabbage Rolls, Potato/Cheddar/Onion Perogies & Raw Sauerkraut! Next time: VEGAN PEROGIES packed with Potatoes, Sweet Onion and Kale!! I'll chat those up next week. Lots of Potatoes, Onions, Garlic, Cabbages, Carrots, Beets & Celeriac coming too of course! Enjoy the beautiful winter time!" Jess, Ben and Sadie

Absent this week: Forbes Wild Foods and Country Meadows.

Jenny Cook sends this news: "Winter has arrived and it is time for Knuckle Down Farm to pack up for the season. This will be my last week at the market although you may see me around the park from time to time picking up some winter work. Come on by and take home the last of my storage crops: cabbage, carrots, squash and celeriac. Happy Winter everyone and I look forward to being back in the spring."

News from the Kind fields: "After last weeks brush with -17 degree weather, we were not able to get anything from the fields this week. Luckily, we still have sprouts, and Kombucha and Water Kefir and Herbal tea blends and tinctures and CHOCOLATE and Kale Chips too. See you soon!" Sandra and Tamas

With lower temperatures this week, our produce growers will be moving indoors. You'll find Ted Thorpe and Shared Harvest in the zamboni garage, Knuckle Down and Sosnickis in the rinkhouse, alongside all or other great vendors. Here's the full list.

Vendors at the market this week:

  • Akiwenzies Fish (smoked and frozen fish),
  • DeFloured (gluten-free baking),
  • Field Sparrow (pastured meats),
  • Kind Organics (sprouts, kombuchas),
  • Ali Harris (rotis and fritters),
  • Chocosol (coffee and chocolate),
  • Ted Thorpe (veggies),
  • Beretta Farms (organic and naturally raised meats),
  • Urban Harvest/Earthly Paradise (seeds and body care),
  • Sosnickis' Organic Produce (veggies)
  • Bees Universe (honey and bee products),
  • Growing Spaces (jams, pickles, soups),
  • Knuckle Down Farm (veggies)
  • Shared Harvest (veggies),
  • Ying Ying Soy (tofus and miso),
  • Best Baa (cheeses, yogurt, sheep's milk),
  • Dufferin Park Bakers (wood-fired oven breads, soups,and snacks).

See you at the market!

Anne Freeman

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