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Trees pages 2

Playground oak (centre, by fence) is doing very well, and lots of shade from Norway maples

park centre (community and forestry plantings)

In 1997, the city put in some white pines and oaks (one of the pines was ceremonially planted by then-Lieutenant Governor Hilary Weston). Soon after, a Canada Trust (now TD) Friends of the Environment grant allowed more plantings, including some around the new pines and oaks, to create a more forest-like habitat. A temporary fence was put around the area, to protect the young trees from dogs. But one pine was left outside the enclosure, and it became a destination for pit bull owners, who encouraged their dogs to jump up on it – putting deep scratches into the tree trunk at the same time. Strangely, this white pine is now taller and it looks fine – who knows why?

history: protected tree nursery, 2006

unprotected white pine doing fine

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