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Events in October

Clay & Paper’s stilt-walking workshops

Thurs. Oct. 18, 6-8 pm, Sat. Oct. 20, 2-4 pm, Tues. Oct. 23, 6-8pm, Thurs. Oct. 25, 6-8 pm.

From Clay and Paper director David Anderson:

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced stilter who wants to practice your skills for the Night of Dread parade, all are welcome to our drop-in workshops. Meet at the Field House at Dufferin Grove Park, that’s the small brick building adjacent to the soccer field. Cost: $5. Contact Krista for more info:


Saturday October 27, 5.30 to 9pm, assemble from 3 p.m. on.

The eighth annual community parade and celebration. Assemble from 3 p.m. on, parade leaves the park at 5.45 pm. Black and white dress code. (I.e. don’t come as Batman unless you really have to). Organized by Clay and Paper Theatre, with David Anderson as the parade master.

This is the annual parade that everyone gets to be in. Between 400 and 500 people gather by the rink and basketball court and then parade along Bloor, south down to College, and then back to the park. There are performances and bonfires at the park, wonderful bake-oven food (from 3.30 on), and music.

For more information, or to help make masks, wear a giant puppet, or bang a drum, call 416 537-9105, or visit, or e-mail

Halloween Swap

Saturday and Sunday October 27 and 28, Masaryk Cowan CC

From Bruce Whittaker:

Just a reminder ... THIS SATURDAY and SUNDAY between 2 and 5 is the first annual TOYS/DVDS/BOOKS/Halloween Costumes SWAP. On Saturday, drop off all of that stuff you no longer use and replace it, if you wish, on Sunday. The SWAP will be located at Masaryk Cowan Community Center, around 4 blocks west of Dufferin at Queen. Check out for details. Lots of toys etc. will be going to families in need ... just in time for Xmas. Hope to see you there.

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