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< Plan B Organics June 2007 | Index Of Galleries | Underground Organics September 2008 >

Sosnicki Farm December 2007

posted December 12, 2007

Making Sauerkraut

From Jessie Sosnicki:

We made the sauerkraut on Nov. 27th and packaged it up this past Monday. It's great this year.

I've made a decent batch of sauerkraut perogies too. They are really good this year! I finally figured out HOW to do it properly! I boiled the kraut first, then we strain it good using cloth cases to get all the water out of it and rinse off some of the salt. I fry up our onions with butter. This is mixed with the boiled kraut. It is refrigerated overnight. By morn. it has solidified so once I make the dough you can actually work with the kraut, as before it was soo greasy, they were half empty, falling apart etc. They are awesome now! When you reheat, the butter melts, tastes glorious!!

We'll be selling plain sauerkraut too in 3/4 lb tubs and later in January I've froze a ton of 1lb bags, so we should have a good supply for a while.

My grandma prepping our onions.....

Grandma Stella and onions......

Ben's mom Sophie coring the cabbage and then cutting the heads in half. This is preparation before shredding. You don't want big pieces of the core in the sauerkraut.

Ben shredding......

Ben shredding some more......
(he did almost 100 heads this way!!!)

Anne Mykytowich (our 81 year old kitchen manager) taking over for Ben!!!!

Stella Kuchma and Tony (Tomatoes) Smyrechinsky decided to shred using the hall meat slicer!
It worked not too bad!!

This is my job. I take the shredded cabbage, add our onions, coarse salt and let the hobart dough hook do its job making juice! I love this machine!

It is soo much faster, as when we would do it at home, we pounded with fists or hard tools by hand.
This is productive when doing large amounts!

I taught Stella Kuchma to use my digital camera.
My grandma was scared of it. LOLOLOL!!

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