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< March 31-2011 | Notes Library | April 14-2011 >

Weekly Market Notes for April 07, 2011

Hello Market Friends:

Robins? Check. Crocuses? Check. Crazy snow and wind? Well, a little of that, too. Signs from the farms are good, though:

Colette of Urban Harvest brought some beautifully tender salad mix from her greenhouse last week, and Sandra Dombi of Kind Organics writes: "This week we have a limited supply of Baby Kale and a Hearty Salad Blend in addition to our Sprouts and Micro-Greens."

News from Best Baa: "We had our first spring lamb on the weekend! The ewes aren't supposed to be lambing for another month but we think this one may have had a secret rendevous!" Note that Best Baa's table is inside the rinkhouse these days. In fact, it's time for a reminder about who's where:

In the Garage:

  • Ted Thorpe: a great selection of vegetables and fruit, prioritizing local whenever possible, and chosen for freshness and value--to tide us over until more of our own growers' crops return
  • Chocosol: coffee, chocolate to eat and drink, agave syrup, fairly traded with local input
  • Beretta Farms: certified organic chicken, pork, grass-fed beef and more

In the Rinkhouse:

  • Urban Harvest: seeds for your spring gardening, body care, plants coming soon!
  • Bees Universe: honey, beeswax candles, skin cream
  • Alli's Bakery: breads, cookies and treats
  • Kind Organics: sprouts, seeds for growing your own, greens
  • Greenfields: certified organic storage crops from their own farm; field-dug salsify and more coming soon!
  • Fish Shak: rotis, sandwiches and tasty drinks
  • Best Baa: cheeses, yogurt, sheep's milk, lamb
  • Nujima: high-nutrition specialties and raw foods
  • Forbes Wild Foods: dried mushrooms, maple syrup, preserved wild foods of many kinds
  • Country Meadows Gardens: fresh eggs, olives and oil, cheeses, chickens and turkey on occasion
  • Dufferin Park Bakers: wood-fired oven breads, soups and snacks at the Zamboni Cafe

In the Great Outdoors:

  • DeFloured: gluten-free galettes, pies and sweets
  • Ying Ying Soy Foods: local tofus, miso and bean sauce
  • Growing Spaces: jams, pickles and other preserves, prepared foods from home-grown ingredients

As the weather allows, some of the indoor vendors will set up outside, and you'll soon see more of FunGuy Farms and Akiwenzies Fish.

See you at the market!

Anne Freeman

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