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< February 7-2008 | Notes Library | February 21-2008 >

Weekly Market Notes for February 14, 2008

Hello Market Valentines:

We have some really special treats for you in store this week.

From Jessie Sosnicki:
It's official love day at Dufferin on Thursday, so I'm bringing 'special perogies'!! My grandmother and I and even Ben's mom had a lot of fun figuring out how to make HEART SHAPED PEROGIES, and it is done. For the full story, read our blog: Along with frozen ones to take home, we'll be serving the perogies hot with sweet onions at the market!

Seth here from Forbes Wild Foods. I wanted to spread the word that I will be doing a tasting of some of our products at this Thursday's market. We will feature a couple of Valentine's Day treats including a Wild Rose Petal syrup and jelly that tastes as good as it smells. Lingonberry, Cloudberry, Elderberry & other foraged fruits are waiting to be sampled and we have some products made directly from trees that need to be tried to be believed. We'll be in the rinkhouse. Come see us if you can!

Also this week:

Ute Zell of Smiling Goat & Co. will have fresh wild boar.

Fun Guy Farms will be coming with mushrooms and delicious soup.

Lots of the other healthy comfort foods your dear hearts desire, too.

See you at the market!

Dufferin Grove Organic Farmers' Market
Thursdays, 3-7, year-round

hosted by | powered by pmwiki-2.2.83. Content last modified on February 14, 2008, at 01:03 AM EST