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< July 19-2007 | Notes Library | August 2-2007 >

Weekly Market Notes for July 26, 2007

Hello Market Friends:

Last week we had a pretty dramatic start, as buckets of rain came down right at setup time. It turned out to be a fine market, though, and we're grateful to all of you who make coming a weekly habit. Farmers can't afford to complain about some summer rain, and they have to bring the harvest in no matter what each week, so steady customers like Dufferin's are much appreciated. Here's some of the great selection this time:

From Greenfields:

"The beets are beautiful this week- especially the golden beets with their glowing inner flesh. Lots of green and yellow zucchinis, as well as the nice and tender early cabbage. Have you tried 'Kale Krisp' yet? If not, pick up a nice fresh bunch and come find out how to make this yummy snack for yourself. The golden and red chards are both looking good, and our giant fresh garlic is as strong and aromatic as you can get it. Also look out for a juicy selection of sweet fruits including pears, nectarines, watermelon, and peppers. We have more lettuce in the ground, so hopefully the deer will find other things to munch on this time!" Monika

From Sosnickis:

"Hey all! BBQing, listening to the combine in the background and some Bob Seger as I go though our great harvest day. This week Ben and I will be bringing our first batch of cherry tomatoes, field tomatoes, Muskmelon (!!!!), yukon gold potatoes, zucs, tons of field cucs, sweet onions, basil and parsley. Going soon to irrigate a bit tonight. We got NO water when the city did unfortunately. See all tomorrow!" Jess & Ben.

From Jonathan Forbes:

"I'll be at the market with some organic maple syrup, and a wide range of wild veggies, fruits, nuts etc."

Deer Valley will be away this week, as will Oh Soy, but FunGuy Farms and Akiwenzies Fish should be back.

We have a new map on the website showing the locations of our market farms. Try it, it's fun! Thanks to Corey Chivers and Henrik Bechmann for their expert work on this. It's good to know where your food comes from.

See you at the market!

Dufferin Grove Organic Farmers' Market
Thursdays, 3-7 pm, year-round

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