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< March 8-2007 | Notes Library | March 22-2007 >

Weekly Market Notes for March 15, 2007

Hello Market Friends:

Well spring has come and gone in 5 minutes flat! This is the last week for skating, if the rink limps through today (call 416 392 0913 to make sure if you want to bring or borrow skates). Time to plant seedlings and plan to turn off the furnace!

The bakers of Dufferin Grove Park have their last week of a lovely uh-ritual this week: bake and play shinny! This week Jenny prepared the artisan doughs and tended to the fires in our two wood fired bake ovens until 10pm when she cleaned up and slipped into her hockey skates.

The shinny scene for beginners has really improved these Wednesday nights thanks to Dan Watson's enthusiasm and knowledge running this drop in, free program.

From Scott of Beretta Farms:

Take the madness out of March with some Beretta Organic Beef:
Sirloin Tip Roast are 8.29/lb.
Extra Lean Ground Beef is $7.00/ lb.
Nitrite Free Hot Dogs are $5.50 for a pack of 6.

From Friends of Dufferin Grove and staff at Dufferin Grove Park:

Now that the snow has melted we are trying to respond to some of the complaints and dreams of market goers regarding bikes. We have begun the process of getting more bike rings around the park. We have some sheets posted near the washrooms and the Zamboni snack bar for suggestions of bike ring locations around the market and around the park.

Parking News:

The parking situation has improved, no tickets were issued last week! Please look at the parking signs, both handpainted and official or ask staff if you are unsure.

See you at the market!

Amy, for Anne

Dufferin Grove Organic Farmers' Market
Thursdays, 3-7 p.m. year-round

hosted by | powered by pmwiki-2.2.83. Content last modified on March 15, 2007, at 02:56 PM EST