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< March 17-2011? | Notes Library | March 31-2011 >

Weekly Market Notes for March 24, 2011

Hello Market Friends:

We take pride in the market's deliciously fresh foods, but some wonderful things are captured in jars, too:

  • Blythe of Growing Spaces adds something new to her array almost every week;
  • (Fun Guy) Bruno's neighbour's Tradition Tamari sauce cannot be beat;
  • Ionel (John) and Irina of Bees Universe have all kinds of honey for a sweet and healthy treat, and
  • have you ever counted all the kinds of things you never even knew about on Forbes Wild Foods' table?

Greenfields will be back, and Colette (Urban Harvest) should be, too.

Chris and Krista of DeFloured will be away this time. They've already set an all-winter outdoor vending record this year, and they'll be back next week no matter what the forecast! Lately Ming of Ying Ying Soy Foods has been joining them outside, and we probably won't be able to convince him to come indoors anymore. It's spring, after all. No, really! If you're in any doubt, come on over and chat with the farmers about plans for this year's growing season, and enjoy the anticipation.

See you at the market!

Anne Freeman

P.S. We've been worried about our friends at markets that need on-street parking permits since Transportation informed them that instead of a once-a-year charge they'd be paying the same amount every week (that's twenty-five times as much for a seasonal market!), but it looks like Councillor Mike Layton's (much-appreciated) intervention with a motion to change that is going to solve the problem. We'll keep you posted....

hosted by | powered by pmwiki-2.2.83. Content last modified on March 24, 2011, at 12:15 AM EST