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posted November 12, 2004

An Author in the Park

Amy Gordon, a children's writer from Amherst, Massachusetts, came to the park recently. It turns out that she's written children's books about parks (she loves parks). She heard that there's a park with a bake oven, and she read what's on the web site. So she came up to see for herself. After she got back home, she mailed us a few copies of her last book, as a present for the rink house bookshelf. The book is called <i>The Gorillas of Gill Park</i>, and although it's probably meant for kids between 6 and 12, the park staff and park friends who read it couldn't put it down - it's wonderfully eccentric and a darn good yarn too. (It would make a great Christmas present!)

Amy is writing the sequel now, in which Gill Park gets a rink and a bake oven. (Really!) She e-mailed us recently to find out if a bake oven could cook a really big Thanksgiving turkey - she doesn't want to make factual errors in the story. We wrote back - turkeys in bake ovens, no problem. Delicious, in fact.

Three copies of Amy Gordon's first Gill Park book will be on the shelf at the rink house; pull up a chair by the wood stove when the rink opens, and see if you can stop reading once you begin.

See the reference to The Gorillas of Gill Park book.

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