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< August 18-2011 | Notes Library | September 1-2011 >

Weekly Market Notes for August 25, 2011

Hello Market Friends:

If you're like me, and live in denial that summer will end, here's a warning: our growers' spectacular tender fruit will not be around much longer! Eat all the peaches and plums you can hold while this lovely moment is here.

News from Country Meadows Gardens (Angelos and Linda Kapelaris): "Customers have been asking for months when we are going to bring some of our fresh certified organic chickens, this week Angelos will be bringing some (not many) so come early, they will go fast. OOPs, gota run, I hear the turkeys making a commotion!!" Linda

Sosnickis' contribution: "Fresh sweet corn patch! The really tasty variety everyone will remember from last year is headed to town! Lots of romas (we'll start bulk orders next week) and heirloom tomatoes, peppers, kale, beets, red onions, sweet white onions, red/gold potatoes, yukons, white spuds too AND lots and lots of fresh Green Beans!! " Jessie & Ben In case you missed Jessie's blog about corn last week, here's a rerun of the link:

The Akiwenzies are still having vehicle troubles, and will not be down.

August Specials from Beretta Farms:

  • Natural Turkey Franks
  • Spicy Italian Sausages

The next Beretta Family Farm Day is coming up Sunday, August 28! RSVP to

The Organic Supper Club menu from Eddie and Jessica:

  • Goji Chia Seed Granola (Local Oats and Maple Syrup )
  • 5 Layered Fiesta Dip (Local tomatoes and garlic )
  • Golden Coconut Curry (Local eggplant, local mushrooms, local zucchini )
  • Summer Vegetable Ragout (Local basil, tomatoes and carrots )
  • Quinoa salad with fresh herbs (Local parsley, local carrots, local celery )
  • Multi Grain Salad with wild rice, red and white quinoa and millet (Local cilantro)
  • Pineapple Chipotle Chili (Local tomatoes, local scapes, local garlic )

I've been really enjoying market herbs in all kinds of dishes this season: chopped with new potatoes and butter, on plates of sliced tomatoes and cheese, in zucchini fry-ups, salad dressings and marinades....While cookbooks will advise on classic flavour combinations, it's hard to go wrong; just use lots!

Ted Thorpe, who was sorely missed last time, will be back this week, but with fewer items than usual as it has been a tough season for him.

We need LOTS more signatures in support of farmers' markets remaining affordable to operate in Toronto. If you haven't already done so, please sign our petition opposing potential fee increases that would have a devastating effect on Toronto's farmers' markets, and pass it along via facebook, twitter, talking to your friends, etc. Here's the link: (Note: just so you know, after signing, you get directed to a donations page run by the (free) petition host site to support their work. There's no obligation to donate, and it's not a request related to the markets.) We'll have paper copies of the petition at the market as well if you prefer.

See you at the market!

Anne Freeman

P.S. Toronto's Scottish Country Dancers will be in the park Thursday for Dance Dufferin Grove, beginning at 6pm. You're welcome to join in!

Park News: Lots of letters have been sent to Councillor Ana Bailao and to City management by park users, about the current changes at Dufferin Grove Park. The stock reply is that there are no changes being made. But in fact, the city is now downgrading almost all Dufferin Grove work to minimum wage (to be applied to any new/replacement staff). That's about one-third of the wage for park litter-pickers. Management has so far declined to collaborate with CELOS on their rewrites of the new park job descriptions. The recreation supervisor, Wendy Jang, wrote: "When it comes to staffing matters, it is inappropriate to involve external parties."
Ana Bailao says that she had a meeting about the park with new PFR general manager Jim Hart and Recreation director Janie Romoff last Monday. Ana says that she is very confused by what they are telling her.
Meantime, a group of parents has scheduled a park "sleep-in" Friday August 26th to focus attention and promote park user conversation. We've posted their flyer here: Sounds like they're planning some fun things. And this week's account of the park's history ("Summer Story") will be online tomorrow afternoon -- Chapter Eight. Jutta Mason

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