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< December 17-2009 | Notes Library | January 10-2008 >
Hello Market Friends and A Very Happy 2008 to You All!
We've got the perfect place to put some New Year's resolutions into effect. Skating is in full swing, and there will be lots of healthy food coming in from the good folks who help us eat right year-round.
There's just a bit of news from the vendors this week, but the selection will be good.
From the Sosnickis: "Happy New Year folks! Ben and I should have plenty of our storage crops (beets, onions, cabbage) to last until March/April. We'll keep bringing the beautiful yellow fleshed potatoes as well. Always available will be potato/Cheddar Perogies, Sauerkraut Perogies, Tubs of Sauerkraut, and on occasion or for special order, cabbage rolls, both beef and vegetarian." Jess.
Irene of Deer Valley will have fresh venison this week.
You'll find Alli from the Fish Shak inside the rinkhouse now, with hemp-based pesto, hot or regular: both delicious on pasta or just about anything else!
For the next few months, we won't be using the big market tents, but a few vendors will still set up outside as much as the weather allows. You'll find everyone else keeping warm in the garage and the rinkhouse.
See you at the market!