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< June 14-2007 | Notes Library | June 28-2007 >

Weekly Market Notes for June 21, 2007

Hello Market Friends:

The market has such variety these days that it can be hard to narrow down choices from the excellent selection. Here are a few highlights to help with "The Carnivore's Dilemma":

Deer Valley's venison summer sausage is a big hit this season, perfect for picnics.

Smiling Goat & Co., (the new name of Ute Zell's farm, formerly Stonehenge) has amazing wild boar burgers. These are not just for the adventurous eater. Everyone loves them, and they're great to have on hand for a last-minute decision about dinner, as they thaw and cook quickly.

Beretta's pork chops and grass-fed beef are outstanding on the barbeque.

If you'd rather leave the cooking to someone else, Rufus from Seldom Seen will be making organic lamb burgers, with tasty buns from Alli's Bakery. Last week fans were asking him to fire up the grill the moment he arrived.

This is only the tip of the iceberg, and as for produce, the season is coming along so well that we now feature "The 100 Smile Diet" (sorry, it must be the delightful weather causing these puns to get the better of me).

The veggie news:

From Greenfields:

"Rain! Finally! The fields are very thankful for the much-needed moisture. Our harvests are getting more diverse by the day…and the strawberries sweeter and sweeter! We will have lots of them for everyone (but come early anyways). Our kale, chard, collards, leaf lettuce, romaine, spring mix, spinach and spicy red mustard are tender and delicious. If you haven't joined the "kohlrabi club" yet, this is the week to try out this unique and attractive spring veggie. Great raw and even on the grill! Adding to the colour and flavour are our radishes, cilantro, broccoli, sugar snap peas, wild mint and oregano. Look forward to thirst-quenching cantaloupe and sweet Pink Lady apples. Don't forget those lovely re-usable bags...." Monika

We expect the first of the Sosnickis' peas, along with beautiful lettuces, and lots more strawberries from Ted Thorpe and Plan B, too. It's a good time to think about getting a flat of them to freeze for smoothies and winter treats.

Welcome home to Jutta Mason:

"I'm back from looking at parks (and lots of farmers' markets!) in Europe, and I'm looking forward to getting my groceries at the Dufferin Grove market again, instead of at sandwich counters in crowded train stations. I want to draw the attention of market users to an important public meeting at the rink house this coming Tuesday, June 26, at 7 p.m. The conversation will take up the problem of the new Toronto Parks management system, and how that centralized system challenges many of the features of this and other Toronto parks -- including the farmers' market. How to regain collaboration and good humour? All contributions are welcome, and there will be pizza at the bake ovens from 6 pm on, to take care of hunger. For more information, there's the June newsletter item on the web site: Also, I'll be at the market the whole time this week, and glad to answer questions about the situation." (By e-mail:

April and Jenny will be performing a puppet show around 4:15, adapted from "The Man Who Planted Trees". If you linger on this longest day of the year, you can enjoy a very entertaining evening of Cooking Fire Theatre Festival productions and good food at the park. Visit for further details.

Happy Solstice!

Dufferin Grove Organic Farmers' Market
Thursdays, 3-7 p.m. year-round

hosted by | powered by pmwiki-2.2.83. Content last modified on June 21, 2007, at 03:39 AM EST