posted January 02, 2008
Website Administration Folder
Custodians leave comments, task lists etc. here. Create pages attached to this folder as needed.
- Henrik
Notes from Skype conference call January 14, 2008
- responsive
- post Bulletins
- post news
- updated photos to picassa?
- biotoilet information on home page
- make composting and biotoilet both searchable and googleable
- biotoilet pseudo-department appears as home page menu item
- new material for cob courtyard
- cob in the park (master concept)
- cob in the park main page is sparse, mainly contains brief explanations and links
- biotoilet
- courtyard
- benches
- cob in the park supported activities
Introductory page
- picture biotoilet
- picture courtyard
- picture benches
- picture cob activities.
sub-heading for each area, or some way differentiating
related activities
each sub-department also would need general subject areas, similar to current tabs (eg news, galleries)
- quick review of current content, addition of a little bit of material to bring things up to date. Georgie and Heidrun will agree on material; Heidrun will send copies to Aseel and Henrik, Aseel and Henrik will confer; Aseel will post in collaboration with Heidrun
- Heidrun and Henrik will arrange for a wiki training session over the next couple of weeks
Georgie's flowchart: CobwebsiteflowchartJan08.pdf